What is our responsibility building back the community as we head back into school and regular life?

The student section holding up W’s during the Boys Varsity football game against Lebanon.

In March of 2020,  Wilsonville High School experienced  what we thought was going to be a two week break. It was nothing like we could have imagined. That “small” break would turn into months of quarantine, zoom classes, loneliness, and confusion. 

As the 2021-2022 school year is upon us and we are back in business, our school has changed immensely. Not just the people in it, but the feelings that come with it. 

As a student body we need to share a collective responsibility of our school. We need to get involved and carry a sense of pride with us. This year alone there are 150 new students that aren’t freshmen. 

You can help people feel more welcome. Invite them to join you at lunch! Look to people in your classes you’ve never seen before, tell them about clubs, invite them to hang out with you! Help everyone to feel connected. 

“It’s the people that make this school great,” says Mrs. Schmidt, principal at Wilsonville High School. “It’s the energy and individuality that will create bonds that will last lifetimes.”