Maddie Holly

Ms. Coreson posing in front of one of the many bookshelves in the WVHS library. Welcome to WVHS Ms. Coreson!

Kate Coreson: Librarian

Ms. Coreson is the new teacher librarian at Wilsonville High School! She is coming from Rosemont Ridge Middle School where she taught for 18 years. At Rosemont Ridge she taught drama, english, journalism, and was the librarian. 

Ms. Coreson chose Wilsonville High School because she wanted to move to the high school level and work with older kids. She described her experience so far at Wilsonville as “so far so good! I love the staff here and it is a lot more relaxing working with high school students” said Coreson. 

Outside of teaching, she enjoys watching tv and movies, cooking, painting, gardening, hanging out with friends, and reading! 

Ms. Coreson is excited to be a part of the Wildcat team and we are glad to have her!