Senior Award Night!


Seniors have been congratulated with many different awards! They were able to win awards such a honor cords, scholarships and more!

Senior awards night is a night that students and families will remember forever. It’s a sweet ceremony in which seniors can earn their honor cords, scholarships, and other awards that reflect the successes of their academic careers. 

Lyndi Tucker, who will be retiring after this year, describes the excitement surrounding senior awards night. Tucker explains that “we celebrate seniors by distributing honor cords for academics or community service, and there are many things you can get honor cords for.” 

Seniors receive many awards and on Senior Awards Night they also have the opportunity to receive scholarships. Tucker goes more in-depth, explaining, “We have lots of organizations and individuals in Wilsonville who like to support our graduating seniors and they are all volunteer organizations like the Rotary Club and the Boosters Club here at the high school, there are also businesses that all fund scholarships for our students.” 

Class of 2023 Senior Masha Mironova is planning on going to the University of Oregon. On awards night, Masha received seven honor cords from the National Honor Society, National Arts Honors Society, CTE classes, Speech and Debate, Interact Club, AP classes, and finishing the school year in the top 5% of her class. Mironova also received a medal for multi-literacy. 

There are many emotions when it comes to graduation time, whether it be joy, sadness, or feelings in between. While describing her feelings about the event, Mironova states, “I feel good, it was very interesting to kind of see everything that everyone has been doing… I think that everyone really deserves [the awards they received] so it was good.” 

This year, the senior awards night was even more exciting because it was the first event to be held in the new auditorium. This year’s graduating seniors have spent almost their whole time in high school watching the new auditorium be constructed, and they finally got to use the space once before they graduate.