Pre official practice summer training
December 20, 2021
Senior Ben McClelland pushing sophomore Connor Larsen in an abandoned stroller in some post run shenanigans.
The Wilsonville Cross Country season ended on November 6th with the OSAA 5A State Championship at Lane Community college. This was the first real season of cross country since 2019 with the improvisation made in the 2020 season and the cancellation of the state championship and every large invitational in Oregon.
WVXC, abbreviation for Wilsonville Cross Country, started their training near the end of the school year on June 8th, with early summer training consisting of mostly low intensity running building up as the season progressed. The practices we’re at first limited to just existing team members, and we’re always.
After the school year ended, middle schoolers were allowed to come to practice, as well as incoming freshmen. These practices had some of the fondest memories of the team, as the high mileage low intensity runs turn into moving conversations and connections between both the middle schoolers preparing for their seasons and the graduating seniors going for summer runs before they leave for college.
The first day of official practice was on August 15th, where the final set of newcomers that didn’t do summer training joined in, got their clearance done and set their eyes on August 27th. The 27th was the first meet of the season, the early seasonal invitational hosted by Wilsonville, the night meet.