OSAA 5A State Meet

December 20, 2021


Taken within half a second of the start gun.

Leading into the OSAA 5A state championship on November 6th, two days before the meet, the junior varsity kids who aren’t going to race at the state meet run an in-house 3K, a Wilsonville tradition. On November 5th, the team left Wilsonville on the team bus to stay overnight at a hotel nearby the meet in preparation of the fateful day the team has been waiting for. 

On the day the Wildcats experienced another victory over Putnam winning by 7 points on the girls end at the state meet and finishing 5th in the state, the girls were disappointed at the fact that they only finished 5th and were only 1 point away from bringing home a trophy, but in the words of Coach Barkley, they shouldn’t have even been that close to winning a trophy in the first place. They completely destroyed the expectations again and stood up to teams nobody would’ve predicted them to win against. 

The boys also had a similar story of disappointment: the team did not match their own expectations and the whole team had run a poor race to their standards. In their case the sentiment they had was that even on an off day where one of the varsity runners collapsed at the line and didn’t count for the team score, they still managed to bring home the trophy, have two all staters on the team, and finish 4th as a team. Truly impressive from the Wildcats despite not running a picture perfect race to their standards.