Study and Snack is an event designed for students, mostly freshmen who haven’t had finals before, to learn how to prepare for them. They got to work together with upperclassmen to study and catch up on work.
Students gather to prepare for finals
January 13, 2022
As the end of this semester approaches, many freshmen are beginning to worry about upcoming final exams. Finals can be a source of stress for many, and the WVHS Link Crew wanted to do something about that. They put on an event called Study and Snack, where freshmen could come and study with older students, and a snack trolley would be brought around. There were two days for the event: Wednesday, January 12th, and Friday, January 21st.
Day one
Students gather in Ms. Feuerstein’s classroom. They are working with Link Crew Leaders to study for their Biology finals.
On the first day, the event was only open to freshmen in order to give them time to prepare by themselves. They gathered in the library after school, unsure of where to go. The Link Crew Leaders, along with Ms Feurstein, explained the setup of the event, and sent the students to their desired classrooms.There were five rooms, each dedicated to a subject: English, Math, Biology, History, and Languages.
Link Crew Leaders in each room offered help to the other students, as well as showed them their own study strategies for preparing for a final. Several students expressed that they enjoyed the time to sit and get some of their work completed.
Sophomores expressed that they would have liked to attend, as well as some juniors, and Ms. Feurstein disclosed that at the next Link Crew meeting where they would be preparing for the second day of studying, they would work out how to accommodate all grade levels. Stay tuned on the Link Crew Instagram page for updates on the second day of Study and Snack!
Day two
The second day was open to both freshmen and sophomores, as the 10th graders had made it known that they too wanted a way to prepare for their finals this year. Last year, the class of 2024 did not get the “normal” freshman experience, so Link Crew decided to include them in this event. Organized study sessions are always popular with students because they allow them to collaborate with each other and students who have taken the class.
Link Crew worked to spread the word about the second day, and it worked. Their posters, flyers, and messages in the newsletter drew in a much larger crowd than the first study session. Link Crew leader Macy Moore said that there were “a lot of students in math and biology.” These subjects are common sources of stress for students come finals week, since they have a lot of material to cover and can be difficult.
The students used the time after school in a variety of ways: some worked in silence on various assignments, some went over study guides for their tests, and some talked with the Link Crew leaders to learn more about how finals go for their class. Knowing how the test works can help relieve stress for many people.
Overall, Study and Snack was a success, and provided many students with the opportunity to prepare for the end of the semester. Stay on the lookout for Link Crew’s future projects!