Animation Heads: Top 5 90’s Disney films
February 27, 2022
The Animation Heads (Jackson Mershon, Kyle Mershon, and Anthony Saccente) give their thoughts on The Top 5 90’s Disney Films. Next week’s review will be The Lego Movie!
Hey folks, Jackson, Kyle, and Anthony here. And we’re the animation heads! Today we shall continue with the series lookback on Walt Disney Animation Studios. Here are our top 5 90’s Disney films.
Jackson’s Thoughts:
- Hercules (1997)
An adventurous and colorful retelling of the classic Greek mythos, Hercules is an innocent tale of purpose, love, and courage. With a soulful soundtrack and outstanding voice performances, Hercules fits nicely in the golden 90’s Disney canon.
- Tarzan (1999)
Filled with strong animation, a great ensemble cast of characters, and an amazing soundtrack, Tarzan is a must-watch Disney film. This film thrives with a strong storyline following the titular protagonist and is packed to the brim with narrative craft.
- Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) Hunchback presents itself as a stunning piece of art from a thematic and animation standpoint. With a stunning, full classical-style soundtrack and beautiful animation, the tone and tale to this film is far beyond your average Disney film.
- Aladdin (1992)
A romantic tale of worth, identity, and love, Aladdin stood above the rest of its animated peers. A great straightforward protagonist to a masterful performance by Robin Williams (with another hit soundtrack on top of it), it’s nearly impossible to beat the quality of the film.
1.The Lion King (1994)
A modern staple in animation history, The Lion King is a masterpiece and arguably one of the greatest coming-of-age stories of all time. A perfect fusion of beautiful animation and music, paired with very real characters, makes it nust short of a perfect film.
Kyle’s Thoughts:
- Tarzan (1999)
Tears of laughter and sorrow
- Aladdin (1992)
- Hercules (1997)
Nostalgic from a childhood
- Fantasia 2000 (1999)
1.Lion King (1994)
Anthony’s Thoughts:
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996):
The elements in this film that are good are SO good. The animation is amazing, with sweeping movements and landscapes. The musical score is wonderful; every song is big and bombastic. The villain is so deliciously despicable, accompanied by the best Disney villain song EVER in “Hellfire”. The one thing that holds this film back are those darn gargoyles. They are not funny and serve little purpose. With that said, everything is a joy to watch. One little hiccup cannot turn me away.
- Fantasia 2000 (1999):
I know it has 2000 in the title, but it still came out in the 1990’s. A follow up to Fantasia (1940), this film is a great source of entertainment and wonder for kids and adults alike. With flowing animation composed very well for classical music, each segment has its flavor that is fun to watch. Maybe not as good as the original for leaning more towards younger audiences, but then again no film can be like the original.
- Aladdin (1992):
You want to talk about a complete Disney classic, well this film certainly comes to mind. As expected, the songs are catchy and serve so well in furthering the narrative. The Genie is always energetic and Jafar is always entertainingly cruel. Just keep on him and not that stupid parrot. “A Whole New World” always gets stuck in my head. The animation is fantastic, not just for the visuals but the way it is shot is also well-constructed. Nothing but praise!
- Beauty and the Beast (1991):
On most other lists, this movie would be number one. And for good reason. This film is the definition of an enchanting fairy tale. Every element, from the story to the animation to the characters, has such an elegant feel to it. I swear, the ballroom scene with the two leads is probably the most iconic shot in animation history. There’s not much else to say: it is one of THE Disney classics!
1.The Lion King (1994):
Wow, is this a landmark film or what? Whenever the discussion of Disney and animated classics comes up, this film is certainly on the top of the list if not the first film mentioned. Because it is as close to a perfect animated film as you will get. It not only exceeded, but changed the way we look at the three major elements. The opening scene will forever be a powerful spectacle to behold, and so will the rest of the movie for that matter.