With so many new faces in the building, students may not recognize them all! WBN put together introductions to all our newest Wildcat staff members.
Meet WVHS’ new staff!
The 2022-2023 school year has begun, and after returning to the building, it has become evident that many staff and faculty members have joined the Wilsonville High School team since school was last in session. As the hirees are getting to know their way around the building, the bell schedule, and their coworkers, the returning Cats are getting to know THEM.
The WBN team did the leg work for you. Below are individual, interview-based features–one for each new professional Cat!

Jake Smeraglio: Spanish teacher
Mr. Smeraglio along with many others is a new addition to the staff at Wilsonville High School. He will be teaching Spanish two and four this year. Smeraglio has been teaching for 14 years. He has taught at many different schools including in Las Vegas. He has always taught Spanish, but if he could teach anything else it would be cooking classes. As this is his first year teaching at Wilso...

Andie Case: Math teacher
Andie Case is excited to start her first year teaching here at Wilsonville High School. She has spent the past few years student teaching and is thrilled to be teaching math this year. Case just moved here from the east coast, and felt that Wilsonville High School would be the best fit for her first year of teaching. She easily got along with the principal and other staff members and found that Wi...

Jason Jenkins: English Teacher
Mr. Jenkins, the new English teacher here at Wilsonville High School, is not new to Oregon. For the last few years he has been teaching at Barlow High School, while teaching 9-12th grade he wanted a change. In the first few weeks at Wilsonville Mr. Jenkins has appreciated how well behaved the students are as well as how excited they are to learn. Mr. Jenkins started his teaching career in California...

Morgan Verkest: Administrative assistant
Morgan Verkest is Wilsonville High School’s new administrative assistant. During the school day, Verkest works at her desk near Elda Bautista, the student services secretary; however, when she’s not working, Verkest is spending time with her five-year-old daughter. She was even prompted to take the job in the first place because her daughter attends kindergarten in the district, which allow...

Dan Rowell: Social Studies teacher
Mr. Rowell isn’t completely new to Wilsonville. He taught here last year as well, so many students may already know him! Before he came here, he worked up in Northeast Portland for a non-profit organization called NAYA that provided resources to children with all kinds of different needs. From after school programs, to youth camps, to community events, Rowell worked incredibly hard for his kids...

Laura Giese: Admin assistant
Laura Giese, the new Admin assistant here at Wilsonville High, came here from Boones Ferry Primary School-- she worked as a tutor for Boones over the summer. Mrs. Giese originally grew up in Montana, and she still loves the outdoors. Her summer was filled with camping trips, and she had spent hours on the river with her family and friends. She compared high school students to the elementary kids she is ...

Tammy Bradley: Facility Scheduler
Tammy Bradley has joined the Wilsonville High School faculty this year as a facility scheduler. With this role comes the responsibility of ensuring that games played at home go smoothly. From relieving the visiting team of the stresses of playing at a school that isn’t theirs to getting the fields ready to perfection, she has come to play an important part in the overall success of the school’s athle...

Jennifer Bruce: Child development teacher
Jennifer Bruce is new this year to Wilsonville High School. She has been teaching for 23 years and has taught everything from preschool-high school. She believes that building a relationship with the kids she teaches is one of the most important things she can do. Bruce states that “It always comes back to kids, no matter how small or how big, and just the relationships that are developed an...

Emma Smith: ISEF coordinator
Emma Smith is a new staff member here at Wilsonville High School, and is an ISEF coordinator! Smith recently graduated from Western Washington University, where she studied environmental science. She researched solely on chemical signaling between fungi and seeds, as well as seed resistance. Before coming to Wilsonville High School, Ms. Smith had multiple occupational experiences. She served a...

Tony Baker: Permanent substitute
Since the pandemic hit, teachers have constantly been in and out of the classroom. This greater demand has led to a shortage of substitutes, which is why we have Mr. Baker as our permanent sub. He’s definitely not new here-- as we’ve transitioned back from online learning, he’s been subbing all over the school. He’s really enjoyed subbing for a different class everyday because he gets to kno...

Tyson Lunden: Graphic Arts teacher
Tyson Lunden (Lun-dee-n) is new to the Wilsonville High School staff this year. He teaches Graphic Arts and Photography in the old black box theater near the auditorium. While being new to Wilsonville High School, Mr. Lunden is not unfamiliar with his teachings of graphic arts, providing an addition to Wilsonville's new and interesting classes. In the past, Mr. Lunden has received a degree in art at Un...

Tia Factor: 2D Arts teacher
Tia Factor is new to the Wilsonville High School staff this year. Her classroom is the 2D Art Room located in Room 82, right next to the other art classrooms. Entering her first year at WVHS, Ms. Factor already has an expansive knowledge of teaching multiple art styles. Prior to Wilsonville, she taught at Portland State University, Pacific Northwest College of Art, and Portland Community College. ...

Jorge Chaires: Athletic trainer
Meet Jorge Chaires, our New Athletic Trainer at WVHS! Jorge is a very recent hire at WVHS and is very excited to be working here due to the Wildcat’s prestigious reputation in sports. Jorge graduated from George Fox University with a degree in athletic training, during his time at the university he did multiple internships with the football, basketball, soccer, and baseball teams. During this...

Alex Willse: Social Studies teacher
Mr. Willse moved to Oregon this year with his family from the Bay Area. He teaches social studies at Wilsonville High School. He spent around 10 years teaching down in the Bay Area at various schools. He knew he wanted to apply to Wilsonville High School because he had heard positive things about the school and his mother-in-law worked in the school district a while ago. So far Mr. Willse has ...

Sujatha Bhaskar: Computer Science teacher
Sujatha Bhaskar is a relatively new staff member here at Wilsonville High School, and we are so excited to formally welcome her for the 2022 school year! Here at Wilsonville, Ms. Bhaskar is the AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, Robotics I & II, and Computer Programming teacher. With so many different classes, Ms. Bhaskar has a lot on her plate, and has a very positive o...

Tim Christopher: Social Studies teacher
Mr. Christoper is a new social studies teacher here at Wilsonville High School! He comes from Renaissance Pubilc Academy in the Mollala School District. At the Renaissance Public Academy, Mr.Christopher was the only person in the history department. At one point in his teaching career in ar Renaissance, he also had to teach earth science. Here at Wilsonville High School, he has many teachers t...

Regan Molatore: Street Law and Leadership teacher
Regan Molatore was a full-time sub last year to replace a teacher that left the WVHS community. This year she was hired back to be a full-time teacher for Street Law and Leadership 1. Ms. Molatore is a new teacher here at Wilsonville High School. Over the summer, she and her family went on a trip up to Canada and went through the Canadian National Forest of Jasper and Banff. This year is Ms...

Julia Arsenault: Special Ed assistant teacher
Here at Wilsonville High School, we’ve had a lot of changes. Whether that's our schedule or class changes, one of the changes this year is our brand new teachers. Ms. Juliana Arsenault is one of them! She is a mother, a wife, and a Special Education Teacher Assistant. Despite her love for teaching, she didn't always believe that was her calling. When she was in college, she planned on majoring...

Claudia Zhang: Chinese teacher
Ms. Zhang is the new Chinese teacher here at Wilsonville High School (WHS). She is originally from Southern Oregon where she taught for 12 years. She moved to Wilsonville to live closer to a more populated city with open minds and greater opportunities for her family. Coming from a smaller school, her first impressions of WHS was that it’s bigger and that it is surrounded by many trees. She fe...

Rodrigo Navarro: History teacher
Mr. Navarro is a dual language US modern history teacher here at Wilsonville High School. He is coming from Rosemont Ridge Middle School and is already familiar with the WLWV school district. Mr. Navarro graduated from Texas State University and knew that he always wanted to be a teacher. He shares that, “When I was hanging out with my friends, I was making them take tests for fun like we were...

Kristene Baldwin: WKOA Coordinator
Kristene Baldwin is the new WKOA Coordinator at Wilsonville High School this year, and one of the new staff members WVHS is welcoming to the campus for the 2022 school year! Dr. Baldwin has been teaching for 21 years, and has spent the last 13 working specifically in online education. When the pandemic hit, she knew that she had a new opportunity to share her passion. “I felt like a champion ...

Kaylee Martz: Student Success
Kaylee Martz works with 9th graders to help them to have a successful year! Ms. Martz has a background in both Business and Education, and 9th grade is her favorite grade to teach. She is ready to help 9th graders transition from 8th grade, making it less stressful and more organized! Before Martz’s career in education, she worked as an Operations Manager at the Farmers Insurance District Office....

Ashley Lindsay: Learning Specialist
Ms. Lindsay is a learning specialist joining the WVHS team this year. She specialized in understanding the ways in which kids learn, and she helps WVHS students by provide learning strategies, co-teaching in other classrooms, and supporting students in their learning. "I'm excited to be in a new place, it's been a long time since I've been in a new district and building," she commented about the...

Lindsay Demaray: Language arts teacher
Meeting the queen of England, teaching at Oxford University, and climbing the Big Ben clock tower are some of the amazing things that have happened to people who have lived in England. However, none of these things happened to Ms. Demaray during her two year adventure in London. Although London was an amazing experience, Ms. Demaray is excited to be back at Wilsonville High School. Ms. Demaray is ...

Kate Coreson: Librarian
Ms. Coreson is the new teacher librarian at Wilsonville High School! She is coming from Rosemont Ridge Middle School where she taught for 18 years. At Rosemont Ridge she taught drama, english, journalism, and was the librarian. Ms. Coreson chose Wilsonville High School because she wanted to move to the high school level and work with older kids. She described her experience so far at Wilsonvil...

Tiffany Arnold: Learning Specialist
Tiffany Arnold is new to the Wilsonville High School staff this year. Her office is located in Room 98, just next-door to the main office. Prior to this year, Ms. Arnold has worked as a social worker and in a Federal Psychiatric Ward, but her desire to help underrepresented youth drew her back to school, and now she has the degree needed to work with underserved students as WVHS’s new Learning Spec...

Kathy Villalobos: Spanish teacher
Wilsonville High School is excited to welcome Ms. Villalobos to the staff. She is teaching Spanish Language Arts and AP Spanish Literature. She has been teaching for 22 years and has taught Spanish during all of that. Through COVID she started putting more work online and has continued that this year. She states, “I have noticed that kids are kind of missing paper.” Although online work is...

Cari Gunter: Administrative Assistant
Over the past couple years, Wilsonville High School has made some new additions to its teachers and staff. Mrs. Gunter, our new Administrative Assistant, began her career as a mom volunteering at her child’s elementary school. After spending enough time there, the principal finally suggested she might as well get paid for all her hard work. She continued officework there for almost thirteen years until s...

Josh Davis: Athletic Director and Assistant Principal
Wilsonville highschool has had many new additions during this school year. The summer months that turned school days seemingly in a matter of seconds brought a lot of new faces to the hallways. This last school year in the Spring of 2022, the Athletic director of 10 years retired. One of the new faces seen around the school during sport clearance in the summer and now fall classes is that of o...

Ingrid Mosey; Language Arts Teacher
Ms. Mosey is a new Language Arts teacher from Two Rivers School, where she taught for eight years. She earned a BA in literature from University of Idaho and an MFA in writing from Mills College. Before being a teacher, she worked at Bonneville Power Administration as a business writer and public affairs specialist. She was inspired to become a teacher because she wanted a new challenge and an...
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