Lidya Harms

Julia Arsenault poses for the camera. She is showing her Wildcat pride with her WVHS t-shirt!

Julia Arsenault: Special Ed assistant teacher

Here at Wilsonville High School, we’ve had a lot of changes. Whether that’s our schedule or class changes, one of the changes this year is our brand new teachers. Ms. Juliana Arsenault is one of them! She is a mother, a wife, and a Special Education Teacher Assistant.

Despite her love for teaching, she didn’t always believe that was her calling. When she was in college, she planned on majoring in accounting because of her math skills. One of her close college friends had been majoring in elementary education, and she slowly started having an interest in that. Eventually she switched her major and became a teacher.

Aside from the great community and her kids living here, Ms. Julia felt that Wilsonville High School was best for her because she felt like she was a part of a big family. She knows the area like the back of her hand, and she has amazing friends and family who live nearby.

From the second Ms. Julia walked in through the doors, she immediately was welcomed by a great group of people. She was able to learn from them and looked up to their skills. Because she was newer, she was cautious about how other students would treat her. But to her surprise, the students at Wilsonville were very kind, and very welcoming, and they treated other students with respect. She noticed just how kind other students treated students with special needs.

Seeing the students light up when they learn something new is the reason why Ms. Julia will keep teaching. Make sure to stop by and give her a wave! She loves all of her students!