Mr. Navarro poses for a picture. He is excited to begin teaching at Wilsonville.

Rodrigo Navarro: History teacher

Mr. Navarro is a dual language US modern history teacher here at Wilsonville High School. He is coming from Rosemont Ridge Middle School and is already familiar with the WLWV school district. 

Mr. Navarro graduated from Texas State University and knew that he always wanted to be a teacher. He shares that, “When I was hanging out with my friends, I was making them take tests for fun like we were in school, and I figured if I was doing that for fun, I should probably do it for a living!” 

While coming to Wilsonville, Mr. Navarro’s first impressions of the school/town was that it reminded him of his hometown growing up. He described Wilsonville as a, “small rural town with a melting pot of students.”

With the school year ahead, Mr. Navarro has some goals for himself and his students. A personal goal for him is to hopefully lower his commute to school, as he lives an hour away. The educational goal he has for his students is to hopefully teach them something about modern US history and expand their learning.