Photo provided by Laura Giese

Mrs. Giese poses for a photo. She loves the outdoors!

Laura Giese: Admin assistant

Laura Giese, the new Admin assistant here at Wilsonville High, came here from Boones Ferry Primary School– she worked as a tutor for Boones over the summer. Mrs. Giese originally grew up in Montana, and she still loves the outdoors. Her summer was filled with camping trips, and she had spent hours on the river with her family and friends.

She compared high school students to the elementary kids she is used to working with by saying that the kids at Boones aren’t as rowdy, but that she could easily relate and make more jokes with the students at Wilsonville High. Mrs. Giese did note that her own high school experience was pretty similar to her experience so far at Wilsonville, but with the significant difference that her classmates weren’t as energetic as WVHS students are. Transitioning over to Wilsonville High was very easy, and with the help of the friendly staff, Mrs. Giese settled in with ease. Having her spot in the library she enjoys being in the center of the school, with the students coming and going everywhere.

Her goal for the library this year was to have it be more the center of attention. Having many activities such as chess, origami, and other games in the library during lunch. She also admitted that she looks forward to decorating the library. Some of the artwork in the school is old and scarce, so the idea of adding new and more art to the school, and specifically the library, would make the place more colorful. Before working at both Boones and Wilsonville, Mrs. Giese worked in the stock market, and, like Mr. Guenther and Mr. Deeder did too, she too switched to teaching and working with students.

Mrs. Giese mentioned that she noticed WVHS is not clique-y at all, that many students mingle around with many other students. With Mrs. Giese’s past background and her drive to better the WVHS community, she will make a great addition to the staff!