Mr. Willse sits at his desk in room 127. This year his job title is Social Studies teacher.

Alex Willse: Social Studies teacher

Mr. Willse moved to Oregon this year with his family from the Bay Area. He teaches social studies at Wilsonville High School. He spent around 10 years teaching down in the Bay Area at various schools. 

He knew he wanted to apply to Wilsonville High School because he had heard positive things about the school and his mother-in-law worked in the school district a while ago. 

So far Mr. Willse has enjoyed his first few weeks at WVHS. He explained, “The kids are wonderful, they are respectful, nice, happy to be here, and interested in learning.” The school he taught at prior, in Los Altos, was much smaller. The largest class size was around 25 students, so it is an adjustment having some classes with 30 students in them. 

Directly after finishing college he taught for a few years, then debated being a professor. He took years off and worked at Stanford Univerity doing a research project for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but soon realized that professors didn’t get to spend that much time with students. He decided to return to the classroom. 

Mr. Willse’s favorite part of teaching is when the whole class feels comfortable with one another. 

Welcome to Wilsonville High School Mr. Willse!