Senior Makaila Hammond shows off her Adam Sandler outfit for Thursday’s Spirit day theme.
Adam Sandler, is that you?
Thursday's Spirit day, Adam Sandler day, brought in lots of creativity and thought when it comes down to what to wear.
“Adam Sandler? What are you doing here?” This particular TikTok was heard throughout the day on Thursday and while of course, the obvious answer is to say “waiting for them to play Gangnam Style,” on this day, it was actually Adam Sandler day at Wilsonville High School! Adam Sandlers were flooding the halls all day Thursday– many students and teachers alike were enjoying this day to let their creativity flow. Many had football helmets, while others had golf clubs in honor of Adam Sandler. Oversized tee shirts and basketball shorts were all common things that students were wearing that day. Makaila Hammond, a senior, also dressed up in Adam Sandler’s everyday wear, “I like Adam Sandler day because it gives you an excuse to dress both ridiculous and funny.” Thursday was definitely a show with all the different types of Adams that came to school.