Hope Williams

Freshman Ryan Williams, sophomore Lily Arzie, junior Maddie Holly, and senior Hannah Aldrich wear their class colors and their graduating year.

Class Colors: Gray, blue, white, and black

Spirit week comes to an end with the final day of class colors on Friday.

Finally, Spirit week ended with the traditional class color day– class of 2026 wore grey, the class of 2025 wore navy blue, the class of 2024 wore white, and the graduating class of 2023 wore black. Lots of students participated in this day to celebrate with fellow class members of their graduating year. At the school assembly on Friday morning, each class sat in the assigned area and you could see the clear difference between the classes. Tegan Mooney, a senior, was happy with the choice of color for the seniors, “I like that seniors got to wear black, I also liked how many people had participated in today’s spirit day.” Almost the entire school had joined in on this spirit day to represent our school as a whole.