Clubs at Wilsonville High School
February 27, 2023
Photo Provided by Wilsonville Speech and Debate Instagram page
Wilsonville High School’s Speech and Debate team smiles for the camera. This was one of their most recent competitions.
Wilsonville High School has a large variety of clubs to choose from. Many are added each year and some fizz out over time. Different clubs that help with education, volunteering, bringing awareness to specific topics, and just for fun are all a part of this school’s long list of clubs that students can join. Clubs in a school are important for keeping school spirit up and also for students to be more immersed in a learning environment. Every student is welcome to any club they wish to partake in, and new clubs are always welcome into our school’s long list of options.
Cultural Exploration Club
A new club was added to this year’s list, Cultural Exploration Club. Created by a group of seniors, these students wish to learn more about each other’s cultures.
Cultural Exploration Club Group members pose for a picture after one of their meetings.
New clubs get added every year and one that just started this past fall is the Cultural Exploration Club. This club meets bi-weekly to discuss different cultures through food. Each meeting is themed to a specific culture of a person in the club. Cultures like Mexican, Egyptian, French, and more have been presented and discussed in the club. It’s also not just one person presenting, all members take turns running a meeting and explaining the culture for the week. Each culture is led by either one person or a small group of two or three with food from the discussed culture and a slide show with additional information.
Sean Colyer, senior, is one of the leaders of the Cultural Exploration Club. He makes sure that everyone has had a turn leading a meeting and has even bought a microwave for the leading group to heat up food if needed. “Everyone gets assigned a culture and they bring in a dish to present to the group that relates to said culture,” Colyer explained about the functions of the club.
The Cultural Exploration Club is a fun and enriching way for students to learn about the people around them. Cameron Azizi, senior, describes the club to be a “great way to expose people to new cultures and different types of food.” Azizi, like Colyer, is another lead member of the club and led a meeting talking about Afghan culture. Nathan Wilde, senior, agrees with Cameron and explains it as “interesting and enlightening by learning a different culture.”
The Cultural Exploration Club wants to explore and bring awareness to the culture at our school through food and discussion. This small club has just started only a couple of months into the school year and is still going strong with hopes to stay for a long time.
Drama Club
This club is meant for those who have an interest in theater and wish to talk and act with others.
Drama Club meeting to talk about the recent production at Wilsonville High School “Puffs.”
There are many students in this school who have an interest in theater and who also love to perform and act. Drama Club is a group of students at Wilsonville High School who get together to talk about theater events, and also like to join in when performing for our school’s plays and musicals.
Once a week during lunch on Thursday, the drama club meets together and talks about drama events at Wilsonville. Recently, they are all talking about the school play “Puffs” and how it is being showcased after school. Many members of the Drama Club are in the play themselves and are continuously working to bring the school productions together.
Students of all grades are welcome to join Drama Club. The topics they cover are all related to theater, and binding a bond with others. It’s a positive community that supports one another with their goals and interests. Sydney Cederberg, a freshman, describes it as “a small and fun community.”
The Drama club is led by four Wilsonville High School students along with Mr. Katz. The President of the Drama Club is Xander Povey, a junior. He leads the conversations and ensures everything runs smoothly during the meetings. “I like talking about plays but it’s more about the people for me,” Xander explains about his feeling for the club. “Being able to create a space that is welcome for those who might not have a place to go is important to me.”
This fun and active club doesn’t just always talk about drama and theater, some days they will spend the time playing games and creating a stronger bond with each other. Many members describe this club as a “warm and welcoming” environment. The drama club is always welcoming to everyone that is interested in joining the theater community.
Muslim Student Association
The Muslim Student Association is another new club that joined the Wilsonville High School community this year. Started by three seniors they wish to help those who are muslim or wish to know more about the community.
Club Leaders Cameron Azizi and Ali Abdelwahed outside of the art room during their interview.
The Muslim Student Association is a new club this year that was started by three seniors, Cameron Azizi, Ali Abdelwahead, and Yaseen Mubashir. These three students created this club for a couple of reasons, to help freshmen through their first year of high school and also for them to practice their religion.
The Muslim Student Association was started just this year, the main reason for the creation of this club was to bring more awareness and opportunity for Muslim students. During their meetings they talk together about their culture, teach those who wish to learn more about their culture, participate in small activities, and pray together.
Ali Abdelwahed stated that “it’s a place for freshmen to get help from older kids,” and Cameron Azizi added, “Especially from older Muslims and how to navigate high school.” Ali Cameron and Yaseen are working together to guide youth Muslims in our school through their first year or two of high school. Since all three of them are seniors this year, Nour Shaheen, a junior now a senior next year, will take over as the leader of the club.
This club meets every Friday and is open to more than just those who are Muslim. The Muslim Student Association is an inclusive club because they wish for others to join so they may teach more about their culture and religious practices. So far they are still a small group of students that make up this club but they wish to grow more in the next year.
Because this group is small and new, they don’t really get to meet in a classroom. The leaders of the club have said that while “it’s fine for now, but we wish to have a bigger space next year.” This club is open to all and is a very welcoming, informative space. Meeting every Friday during the middle of the fifth period for prayer, all students are welcome to join.