Cultural Exploration Club
A new club was added to this year's list, Cultural Exploration Club. Created by a group of seniors, these students wish to learn more about each other's cultures.
February 27, 2023
Cultural Exploration Club Group members pose for a picture after one of their meetings.
New clubs get added every year and one that just started this past fall is the Cultural Exploration Club. This club meets bi-weekly to discuss different cultures through food. Each meeting is themed to a specific culture of a person in the club. Cultures like Mexican, Egyptian, French, and more have been presented and discussed in the club. It’s also not just one person presenting, all members take turns running a meeting and explaining the culture for the week. Each culture is led by either one person or a small group of two or three with food from the discussed culture and a slide show with additional information.
Sean Colyer, senior, is one of the leaders of the Cultural Exploration Club. He makes sure that everyone has had a turn leading a meeting and has even bought a microwave for the leading group to heat up food if needed. “Everyone gets assigned a culture and they bring in a dish to present to the group that relates to said culture,” Colyer explained about the functions of the club.
The Cultural Exploration Club is a fun and enriching way for students to learn about the people around them. Cameron Azizi, senior, describes the club to be a “great way to expose people to new cultures and different types of food.” Azizi, like Colyer, is another lead member of the club and led a meeting talking about Afghan culture. Nathan Wilde, senior, agrees with Cameron and explains it as “interesting and enlightening by learning a different culture.”
The Cultural Exploration Club wants to explore and bring awareness to the culture at our school through food and discussion. This small club has just started only a couple of months into the school year and is still going strong with hopes to stay for a long time.