Senior Aly Johnston is excited to be part of the Springfest court this year.

Aly Johnston

Springfest is two months away and the Springfest royalty are deep in preparation for the big event.  They are practicing in the morning before school and on the weekends. Each practice session lasts for about one hour. They have a full schedule during each practice, which includes getting-to-know-each-other activities; practicing curtsies and bows; preparing choreography; and getting fitted for their dresses and suits.

Senior Aly Johnston is one of the 2020 Springfest court members.  Aly says she has wanted to be on the court for as long as she remembers.  Her cousin was on the court in the past and as a little girl Aly remembers the pretty dresses the girls wore. She always hoped that she would participate in Springfest, but wasn’t sure she would make it.

Aly feels that one of biggest challenges is doing the curtsy.  She is nervous that she will fall in front of everyone. When asked how she’ll face this challenge, she said, “Thankfully we have two and half months to practice! I hope I can master the skill in that time.”

While there is a lot of hard work involved for the court members, there is also time for fun. Aly says, “The most memorable times are when we have time to just sit and relax together. It is great getting to know all the court members.”