Do Students Actually Like Academic Seminar?
Freshmen doing icebreakers on the field.
Academic Seminar is a new addition to the Wilsonville High School curriculum. It is a class that is held every so often as a period for students to get announcements and to play social games. But what do the students think?
When sophomore Wyatt Budeau was asked what he thought about his Academic Seminar class so far, he answered with, “I like it because it makes the classes and day shorter… The class itself isn’t too fun.” Since Academic Seminar gets its own period it does in turn make the rest of the day shorter which was appreciated by some.
Sophomore Amelia Lounsbury was also asked the pros and cons of the class and she explained, “It’s a free period to hang out with friends and it’s nice…It’s pretty boring but other than that it’s nice.”
New to the school, freshman Malia Kaleikilo was asked several questions in regards to Academic Seminar. When asked, “Do you think that academic seminar contributes to your learning?” she responded with, “I liked that in the first week they gave us information which made me more prepared for the week.” Malia then expressed, “I enjoy it because I have friends and for the first week of school it was very helpful as a freshman.”
Overall, students appreciated Academic Seminar whether or not it was for learning possibilities or just hanging out with their friends. Academic Seminar can be a great way to stay prepared even if it can be boring at times according to the students of Wilsonville High School.