Cramming a month of homecoming into two weeks

Sydnie Bierma

Ellie Wettstein and Piper Colby working hard to paint a sign for the senior float.

Students met this last week to discuss theme ideas for homecoming floats after homecoming was officially added to the school calendar. 


On Thursday September 16th senior student council president, Chloe Nelson, led a vote to decide on old cartoons for the homecoming parade theme. Each grade then brainstormed ideas for each class float. 


Freshmen decided on Mickey Mouse, sophomores decided on Dora, juniors decided on Scooby Doo, and seniors on SpongeBob. This last week student council has met almost everyday at lunch to begin planning. There should be plenty of time to plan, the issue will be with actually constructing. 


Seniors have taken the initiative and have started construction already. For example seniors met on Tuesday the 21st to start painting some signs and decorations. Senior Ellie Wettstein exclaimed, “I worked on my SpongeBob letter skills and we listened to lots of SpongeBob songs. Unfortunately, we didn’t listen to the Squidward Nose song — maybe next time.” 


The juniors, who are led by Mr. Sundquist, feel confident in their Scooby Doo theme. According to Sundquist, the juniors are putting in lots of work this week. He also claims he’s seeing lots of good student leadership. Overall he’s been impressed with the turnout and is excited to see what they can achieve in this short period of time. 


As far as sophomores go they’ve met at the meeting last week and since then have started a group chat. With everyone’s busy schedules, it’s been hard for them to coordinate. 


The general theme among all the grades seems to be that students are just feeling stressed about the whole thing. Another key factor with underclassmen proves to be that they haven’t actually participated in student council before and haven’t previously constructed a float. 


Freshman have met twice and are currently scrambling for materials. Kenley Whittaker stated, “I feel a bit stressed because this is all new to us, but I’m confident we can pull it off.” This confidence is what’s sure to make the floats a success this year. 


Seeing the football stadium packed with students ambitiously waiting to cheer for their grades’ float is what’s driving each grade individually.