The SAT and PSAT testing day approaches!
WVHS College and Career Center
**Registration is now closed** Test day is October 13th, at 8:30 am!
As the second quarter moves forward, students are coming up on something that is a source of stress for many: the first round of SAT and PSAT testing. These standardized tests can be a way to measure what students are retaining from school, as they are split into two sections: math and english.
The SATs are the tests that some colleges require as part of their application while the PSATs are mostly used as practice for the SATs. However, in these past few years colleges have been moving away from the SAT scores as a defining part of a student’s application, and making the application test-optional. Of course a good score is taken into account, but taking the test or reporting your score is not required for many schools.
Taking the PSATs as a junior can also give students a chance to win the National Merit Scholarship, if they score within the top 1% of test-takers that year.
Our schools testing day is October 13th, at 8:30 am in the main gym.
Junior Mia Combs has already taken her SATs this year– she took them at a different school. When asked how they went, she said, “The SATs aren’t that much different from the PSATs, just get a good night’s sleep and try to stay calm.” Similarly, junior Anthea Goh shared her thoughts on the PSATs that she took last year.
If you are signed up for either of the tests this year, you can get information and preparation materials from the College and Career Center across from the main office. Many students can agree that some studying and preparation can help you, but not to stress or worry too much about it. If you have any questions about the tests, contact Ms. Tucker in the College and Career Center. Good luck to anyone taking the tests!