Transgender remembrance display and other steps our school can take to make students voices feel heard
November 20th was the national Transgender Day of Remembrance. WVHS put up a display near the art halls to honor it.
During late November, a display was set up near the art classes to show support of transgender remembrance day. This display showed the names and faces of many trans individuals. Ever since 1999, November 20 has been a day to remember those whose lives were lost in anti-transgender violence. When Rita Hester, a black transgender women was murdered in 1998, it inspired the “Remembering Our Dead” web project made by Gwendolyn Ann Smith to spread awareness and show others that violence against those who are trans is something that needs to be seen and heard.
Those who are part of the LGBTQ community feel that this display was a step towards their voices being heard more in a school that has sometimes struggled with that in the past. “I feel the display was very meaningful, due to the amount of people it shed light on,” Finn Kime comments about the display. “It showed POC trans people and trans people of all ages, and the display meant a lot to me as a trans individual.”
After the display, some are wondering what other steps our school will take to make those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community feel more safe and welcomed. Finn expressed that,“Discrimination has come in many forms from many people. I haven’t experienced anyone who has known me from middle school/elementary school use my dead name thankfully, mainly it’s a pronoun issue. Plus some people don’t take what they say into consideration a lot when addressing a person, it’s frustrating for the person involved. Most trans people I know or have seen online are quite fearful of correcting people due to their discrimination thats been presented towards them.”
It’s important that our schools let the voices of their students be heard and recognized by others in a way where they feel comfortable and included in a school that’s not as diverse. Things like this can be a step towards a kinder and more welcoming community for everyone.