Students and their Etsy businesses

Items made by Wilsonville students, currently on Etsy. Top picture by Elliot Feinblatt ( and bottom picture by Hadley Nibert (

For those who don’t know, Etsy is an e-commerce company that allows users to sell and buy unique, handmade items and vintage pieces of clothing. Many teenagers have used Etsy to spread their ideas and make a profit off of what they enjoy doing. They use their hobby in a way that can benefit them even more. “I started my Etsy to sell projects that didn’t quite work out in the way that I hoped, or any extras that I didn’t have room for,” said Hadley Nibert. In her spare time, Hadley makes paintings, jewelry, and custom pieces with the extra time she has away from school and sports.

Many students who use Etsy use it as a kickstarter or a step towards a career they want in the future. “In the future, I would like to have a career related to art,”Hadley comments. “But for now, it’s just a hobby that I can make money from until later on.”

Other students, like Elliot Feinblatt, simply use their small business as a way to expand their interests. “I sell keychains that I started making for myself. I had people tell me they liked them, so I decided to start the Etsy shop for fun,” he says. “But I don’t really see myself doing anything like it in the future. It’s really just a hobby at the moment.” Elliot spends a few hours each week making and sending his keychains with the free time he has.

Whether you’re a seller wanting to make your hobby something bigger or a buyer wanting to find smaller business-made products, Etsy is a great company for both! Both Hadley and Elliot have their products posted and available to those interested!