Sophomore athletes plan for college

Abbie Memmott

Left: Abbie Memmott in cheer practice. Right: WVHS varsity pink out football game in October.

Many students at Wilsonville HIgh school are very involved in sports, and are looking to pursue a professional career in said sports. College is especially important to many aspiring athletes because it allows them to continue their journey into the sports world. 

Sophomore Lily Houston is an avid lacrosse player. She has gone to many tournaments and camps throughout her high school career. Lily has been playing lacrosse for 6 years. Her dream school is ASU, she wants to go there because it has a great lacrosse program but also, “it also has a good program for my future profession I want to go in.” While Lily thoroughly enjoys lacrosse she wants to see it through college but eventually move on to a different career path. 

Abbie Memmott, a sophomore at Wilsonville, has been involved in cheer almost her whole life. Abbie wants to go to UGA to pursue her cheerleading because she “likes the idea of a big school and the programs are great” for what she wants. While Abbie loves cheer, she doesn’t think she will pursue a career outside of college, but it will always have a place in her heart.

Sophomore Will Katz wants to go to college to pursue football managing. Next year he has planned visits to USC and San Jose to check out the campus and programs. Will says, “USC is one of the best schools with sport management programs.” He has been a manager for the football team for 5 years which has allowed him a lot of time and experience. After going to college he aspires to one day become a sports manager in the NFL. 

These three sophomore athletes are dreaming big and sharing their aspirations to further their education in sports and academics. They all want to see sports continue to flourish for years to come and hope to be a part of that. If you have any questions about great colleges for sports you are interested in make sure to check in with your councelors!