The start of semester two
Many students get excited at the beginning of a new semester. It is a chance to experience new classes and change up their schedule.
The end of semester one is coming soon: February 3. Most core classes are full year, whereas most electives are semester. Students are getting ready to start new classes.
At the start of each semester, students get a fresh start. Student grades are reset, and they are able to improve their learning from last semester. Junior Mia Rust shared that she is excited to start a new semester because “I like when all my grades reset and I get a chance to improve. I am also excited to meet and talk to new people.”
Some people are looking forward to the change from semester one to semester two classes. Junior Katy Bennett says that her art class changes to health in the new semester. “I am excited because I don’t like art.” Half of Mia Rust’s classes change in the new semester. Her new classes are Oceanography, Marine Biology, and Post WWII American Culture.
Semester two is the first semester that Post WWII American Culture is offered. Mia Rust is excited about this new class. In this class, students watch films that have historical evidence and compare the evidence to more traditional sources.
Now is the perfect time to end strong in semester one classes and look to all the new possibilities in semester two.