Finals athlete

Lorianne Servignat

Sophomore Connor Larsen doing math homework during journalism. He has cross country after school and doesn’t have a lot of time to get homework done.

Lorianne Servignat, academics editor

Managing a finals workload is hard enough without having your schedule filled with athletic activity. Many school athletes struggle with balancing their sporting endeavors and educational careers, especially around finals time. When you have school and sports there is not enough time in the day to study as well. 

Many student-athletes at Wilsonville have a lot of long nights and missed studies. Sophomore, JV basketball player, Ashley Sheribon says “practices are long… you don’t get home till late, and there is no time to do homework” It is difficult for her to find time to fit in her studies because of long practices and late nights. 

Time management is crucial in this time of finals when you play a sport. This is something that many students learn in high school. So navigating this is difficult for many. “I usually just do my homework in other classes, any free time I have I do homework,” Ashley adds.

Student-athletes can find themselves extra busy when doing sports workouts in the morning and after school. Going from 6:30 am to 5- 6 pm can be incredibly difficult to manage in finals time.“It’s stressful to stay up late doing homework and then get up early for AM practices.” says sophomore basketball and softball player Maddie Holly. 

Finals are a really stressful time and more so if you are a student-athlete. They try their best to stay on top of everything and manage their time accordingly when this can be extremely difficult. Finals will be over soon enough and student-athletes can get back to a normal schedule.