Student thoughts on the COVID booster

Students at Wilsonville High School express their thoughts on the new Covid-19 booster: whether or not they plan on getting it, and why or why not.

Alina Jakobson creates a poster on Canva do demonstrate the importance of getting the booster. Students have varying opinions on this topic.

Alina Jakobson

Alina Jakobson creates a poster on Canva do demonstrate the importance of getting the booster. Students have varying opinions on this topic.

Over the past 2 years, many vaccines have been created to try and limit the severity of COVID. Recently the COVID-19 booster was released to allow people who previously got the vaccine, to be able to support and sort of “renew” their vaccine.

Zoey Beyl, a sophomore at Wilsonville shares her thoughts on the new release. “Honestly people complain about wearing masks but they don’t get the vaccine or they don’t wear the mask right. I think the booster is a smart idea because you’re even safer than you were with the two vaccines.”

She believes that it doesn’t hurt to do something small to then directly help progress to get back to normal. If you really want to get closer to a more normal day-to-day life, then you should do your part to get to that point. By wearing your mask properly and getting the proper vaccine to protect yourself and others.

Zoey adds on how even if you are not directly affected by the Coronavirus, billions of other people are. You will need to be selfless to be able to improve the world and the people around us.

If your goal for 2022 is being able to live life normally again, consider getting your vaccines and boosters to start the journey to that destination.