Winter formal
Winter formal is taking place on 2/26 at Langdon Farms. Purchase your tickets from the bookeeper.
Last school year, Wilsonville High School was not able to host a winter formal due to COVID-19. However, this year on February 26 we are hosting it at Langdon Farms Golf Club in Aurora Oregon. Tickets are able to be purchased by the bookkeeper and will not be sold at the door.
In the past, students were able to purchase tickets a the door for dances. This year it is different due to hosting the dance at a different location.
Senior Elizabeth Harris shared her thoughts on buying dance tickets before or at the door: “I like to have the option for both because sometimes my dance plans aren’t final until the day before.” Having the option to purchase tickets at the door gives more flexibility for students.
Another student at Wilsonville High School also shared their thoughts, “I like to be able to purchase dance tickets at the door because sometimes I am not able to make it and I won’t have to waste any money.”
However, when asking a group of students whether they prefer purchasing tickets before or at the door for dances, the majority said that they preferred to purchase them before.
To get tickets for the winter formal on Saturday, February 26 from 7:30-10 you can go to the bookkeeper before or after school.