Going all the way


The boys basketball team was on a roll this season, and it was just the beginning. They continued a winning streak quickly as they continued playing 5A schools in the Northwest Oregon Conference. 

The boys team won 27 games, 12 league wins besides a tough league loss against La Salle Prep. They became league champions and continued to the state playoffs. The last stop for this driven team had finally come. 

The boys team was prepared to put up a fight against Silverton, the number 4 seed team, for State. The game was one of the most intense games of the season, but the team stayed strong and pushed harder.

The first half seemed to be a jittery half ruled by nerves, where Wilsonville didn’t score a point in the 2nd quarter. Sophomore, Kallen Gutridge, gives us an inside perspective into what went down at halftime in the locker room. 

“Coach Roche said we needed to screen more and with purpose, compete with their level of aggressiveness, and match their physicality.” Afterward, the Cats got their head into it, and stepped up their game even above the already insane playing level demonstrated all season. After being down 11-6 at the half, Enzo Chimienti led a fierce Wildcat comeback which resulted in a 34-30 dub. 

With this wonderful outcome, many might wonder what these boys have gone through and learned together, as a team, to accomplish something so astounding. Overall, the team ended their season successfully, and excitedly with a state champion title. 

This year, seniors contributed greatly to the varsity team not only through their individual talents but being role models to the Wilsonville underclassmen. 

Freshman, Cody Dimpflmaier, says, “The upperclassmen were a big help showing the ropes of the Wilsonville basketball program and the pillars of basketball. I got really comfortable with the team in any setting, practices and games alike.”

Dimfalmier looks forward to a sustained success quote, “We want to go 4 for 4, with the coaching staff and players we definitely have a good chance.” 

In February of 2020 the state championship tournament, where the Wildcats were about to play in their semi-final game, was canceled due to COVID pandemic. This championship win has been a long time in the making. 

Gutrdige adds, “We will fill the shoes as best as possible, we lose seniors every year. I have faith in the guys who will step into those roles next year.” 

Countless years of hard work, and extreme dedication from both the coaching department and team, helped bring this season to a close with a hard-fought win that is well deserved, and well overdue. After the hardships and work put in, these boys deserve the win. 

Considering the age of the roster, Wilsonville will have many returning contributors in the coming years. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for our team.