The AP test is just around the corner
Preston Jeffords listening to a podcast about APUSH. He is hoping to refresh his memory with knowledge.
AP testing is fast approaching and will be taking place in early may for most classes. This test is the accumulation of everything that the AP class studied over the course of the year. It potentially will give you college credit for that course, and save you money in the future.
These upcoming couple of weeks is when students start to look over their notes and refresh their brains with all the learning that they have done. They also start to rely on that they know what they’re doing and that all the studying they have done will stick with them.
Students are starting their studies now so that when they get to the test they will be readily prepared. Sophie Gordon says, “I’m probably going to watch all the Heimlers History videos and go over my notes.” When asked if she thinks her studies over the year have prepared her she says, “I think I have general knowledge. I need to know more dates.”
Many students trust their knowledge throughout the year and don’t do a lot of studying, but they still like to set aside a little time to refresh. Trenton Bonfiglio says, “I’m gonna watch every documentary and go over my notes.” Later on, he was asked if he thinks that will prepare him and he responds with, “no.”
Although studying is a good thing to do before the test unless you have a solid foundation studying won’t do you much good when it comes to this much material. Students are getting stressed as it nears this dreaded test, but many will surprise themselves and do better than they think they will.