Homecoming preparation is in full swing!

How all of the grades are getting their float ready for the parade

Emily Barry

Seniors Lidya Harms and Tatum Hagen hard at work on the senior float. This years theme is Iconic movies.

Homecoming preparation is in full swing! Leadership classes have planned spirit week, the assembly has been scheduled, and all the students are hard at work on building their parade floats.

Leadership II created the perfect theme: Iconic movies. Each student council grade has met, communicated, and already started working on construction. 

The seniors are coming out strong, hoping to get a well deserved win this year. The seniors’ movie is Star Wars, and they have jumpstarted costumes, characters, and schedules. Senior Emily Barry exclaims, “I love float building because its so fun being able to see everything come together, because it starts as nothing, and after some hard work and dedication, we build something amazing, like last year’s Mystery Machine.” 

The juniors are off to a slow start. The class council has not began they building process, but believe that their construction will go fast, as they already have their idea in place; as well as their materials, schedules, and location.

Sophomores are currently still in the preparation stage. They started gathering their materials, and setting a location for their build site. They are hoping to begin building by Friday, or the start of next week, and bring their theme, Pirates of the Caribbean to life. Sophomore Brooklyn Bybee states, “I am super excited to see the final product, and to look at what we have done.”

The Freshman, who are rookies for homecoming, have not began their building process. They are hoping to begin building their Ghostbusters float by this weekend, but are still in need of materials. 

All of the grades are super excited for float day, and to finally see all the movies brought to life in the floats!