Spirt week thoughts with Tatum Hagen

Lidya Harms

Tatum Hagen poses as she talks about her experience with spirt week at Wilsonville High School. She is a senior this year, and this was her last homecoming week.

It was with the utmost pleasure that Tatum Hagen, a senior student athlete at Wilsonville High School, and a friend of mine who I have known since 3rd grade, was able to speak to me about her opinions about spirit week. There was a lot of excitement, a lot of fun, and a way to see just how creative the students were throughout the week. This was because of the creative twist that they added. 

There were a lot of events that Hagen had the opportunity to take part in, and she had a difficult time choosing which one was her favorite because she loved them all. “I really liked the way the all-black fit looked because that’s what I usually wear, so it was a pleasure to wear what I like as a bonus,” Hagen says. Her favorite part of the event was being able to hang out with her friends and take pictures. She appreciated seeing all of the teachers who participated with their students. “I think that next time, we should cut out the strictly business theme and replace it with the “College” theme,” Hagen explained. Hagen also liked that she was able to see a lot of her teachers participate in this fun event as well.

“It just shows how close-knit our community is,” she said, and I could not have agreed with her more. In spirit week and outside of spirit week, Wilsonville is inclusive, and with this event, we were able to show that everyone has their own space.