What is the best seating arrangement?

Lorianne Servignat

The seating arrangement in Ms. Asher’s room. Many kids like the comfort of these chairs.

Desks and table partners can make or break your school year. A place where students can be comfortable and think is what they crave. So, what is the best student arrangement?

Table partners are a delicate subject, if you don’t have the right chemistry with your table partners the class period can be agonizing. Junior Jasmine Brown says, “Whenever there’s big groups it’s difficult to have your own space.” Brown feels like having rows of desks is the best option because you have your own space, but you are still able to have conversation with other people. 

Brown then adds, “It depends on the people.” People are really different. If they don’t somewhat match your personality it can make it really difficult to focus in class. 

There’s also the component of the desks itself. Desks should be comfortable so learning is easier. Freshman Evelyn Benveniste says, “I like the partner desks because even though you don’t have your personal space it’s easier to work with someone right next to you.” Benveniste likes group tables because you get to know different people and discuss the topics at hand.

In the end, students like the ability to talk amongst their peers. But, if the people at your table don’t match your energy, getting work done can be extremely difficult. 

Most importantly, students are not fans of the connected tables, and comfort is crucial to the learning process. 

The best seating arrangement is rows of two person desks. That way you aren’t stuck with the clamor of a group of people, and you are alone enough to think.