Wilsonville girls soccer triumphs over La Salle

Wilsonville girls soccer remains undefeated in league

Greg Artman

Freshman Camryn Schaan scoring the winning goal. Girls soccer will be at home against Hood River Valley on October 12.

This past week on Monday, Wilsonville girls soccer went head to head with La Salle Prep–their toughest competition yet. With La Salle being 1st in league and the Cats 2nd, there was some pressure building up on the girls. Prepared for a challenge, they went in with confidence and poise. 

The game started off strong, with equal possession and physicality coming from both teams. The Cats were finding various pockets of success by taking many shots and shutting down their attack. At the 35th minute, freshman Camryn Schaan received a ball out of the air and volleyed it over the goalies head. Scoring a goal poses many emotions, Camryn shared, “I was very excited, everyone was screaming and everyone ran to me.” Post goal, the play of the game changed completely. The energy was high, everyone was having fun, and they were all eager to keep playing for 45 more minutes. 

The start of the second half, the Cats were focused on playing their own game. They were working together to make a strong defense, and create opportunities to goal. The girls were able to hold off La Salle for the entire half, and then the final whistle blew. The whole team ran onto the field and celebrated their victory together. 

This game put Wilsonville girls soccer at the number one spot for NWOC league, and the girls are looking to stay on top.