Harsh lighting is hindering learning

Lorianne Servignat

Freshman Milan Delacruz winces at the lighting. She is struggling to find a place to do her work where she won’t get a headache.

The harsh fluorescent lighting in the school makes it incredibly difficult for students to stay focused on their learning. Not only do the lights cause agonizing headaches that drinking water won’t cure. But also take your focus away from things like reading, arithmetic, and make it difficult to keep up in class.

Everything in current school culture is based around technology which emits blue light. Blue light can be really damaging for your eyes and cause a lot of strain. Fluorescent lights add to the intense amount of blue light that students are exposed to on a daily basis.

Sophomore Alina Jakobson says, “If I’m asked to read anything for an extensive period, my eyes stop focusing on the content and more on the pain they’re feeling.”

Students are at school for 7 hours a day and some even more, eye strain from lights should not be a concern for students and should not be the thing hindering learning.

Meredith Krecklow says, “They actually give me headaches everyday and they are very harsh.” The lights cause a lot of pain for Krecklow and a lot more than they should. When students’ grades are suffering because of the lights is the moment that something must change.

Many students, including Jakobson, have started to use blue light glasses to protect their eyes from the lights. Jakobson adds, “It basically gives you a yellowish tint which relaxes and protects your eyes from the harsh blue light” 

These glasses have helped students focus throughout the day, and help their eyes go a day without strain.