Want to be scared during spooky season?

Abbie Memmott enjoying her time at Milburn’s Haunted Manor with her friends last year. Make sure to go visit Milburn’s this Halloween season!
Haunted houses for some are a Halloween tradition. Even though not everybody enjoys paying to be frightened, some find the experience amusing and fun. As the spooky season approaches, many attractions begin to open up. Haunted houses are an amazing activity for hanging out with your friends and enjoying the essence of Halloween.
There are many haunted houses and corn mazes within the portland metro area. Two very popular haunted houses for Wilsonville High School Students are Fear PDX and Milburn’s Haunted Manor.
Fear PDX is a very popular haunted house located at Menlo Park Plaza in Portland. They offer 6 have different attractions with different themes. This offers a lot of variety for those who choose to visit. There are many WVHS students who go to this haunted house very frequently, one being Anna Jardin. She explained, “My experience at Fear PDX was really fun and all the actors were super engaged and scary.” She highly recommends this haunted house to other WVHS students. It is not too expensive, is pretty close, and will definitely make someone jump. Overall, Jardin gives Fear PDX a rating of 9/10.
Milburn’s Haunted Manor is another big haunted house around the area. This haunted house is family-owned and has been running for the last eighteen years. Similar to Fear PDX, there are different attractions to participate in. Abbie Memmott, a sophomore here at WVHS, gave Milburn’s a rating of 5.5/10. She would recommend this haunted house to anyone wanting a fun outing with friends during the Halloween season.
Even if you don’t typically enjoy getting scared, these haunted houses are a great place to have fun with your friends. Embrace the spooky season spirit!