Student Government or No?

As a new student at Wilsonville High School this year, Owen O’Brien spoke about his opinions about Student Government. The response he gave to my question as to whether or not our school should participate in this kind of activity was, “It really depends on who will be able to lead this school.” Having attended a school that had participated in this kind of activity, he was puzzled as to why not every school did the same. There are a lot of teachers who could benefit from students’ help, according to him. “They [teachers] need to understand the amount of responsibility and weight that students have on their hands, and I think that the students in the presidency could help them out a little.”

When I asked him if he had any advice for younger students looking forward to attending Wilsonville High School, he smiled. He said, “it may seem like a long time in the beginning, but what you do will affect the rest of your life, so you should take it seriously.” Use the tools your teachers give you. Don’t listen to bullies. “Choose your path in life for yourself, not others.” He thinks that yes, having a student government role may be beneficial in some aspects.

However, it’s not what Wilsonville High School needs at the moment. “Wilsonville is very grounded in their beliefs, and the staff is known for helping the students grow into their own types of people.”