Should the student section be limited to certain cheers?
Many students are upset some cheers should be limited. Do you think certain cheers and chants should be limited?
Should certain cheers be limited at the sports games at our school? This has been an ongoing problem throughout every year I have been in high school. Personally, certain cheers obviously should be limited, but I believe that cheering a certain name or grade isn’t wrong.
From many different peoples’ feedback, this can be annoying at games to be limited to what you’re cheering for. Back to the cheering people’s names, this is a very controversial opinion. Overall, many believe that it should be okay to chant someone’s name if you are being respectful. Do you think limiting certain chants makes the games, not as fun and it’s just causing conflict?
“We believe that we will win….” This is a chant that has been said before almost every football game and is an ongoing tradition. Some admin believe this isn’t okay, but it’s frustrating to students. This chant is to be known as a cheer that hypes up the student section, which is what we need. I believe that if we are keeping chants respectful, cheering names, and grades, and saying, “We believe that we will win.” or “We believe that we just won.” isn’t causing any harm. Do you think the student section should be limited to their cheers?