What is WVHS’ favorite Christmas movie?

Cameron Winters

Scene of Christmas in an old fashioned household. Christmas movies on the T.V.

It is a festive period in WVHS. We are in the midst of a short 3-week span between Thanksgiving and Christmas break. You can imagine spirits are becoming higher and higher as students are antsy about their upcoming time off. All Christmas movies see a soar in popularity in December, but which is the most popular?

To figure this out we interviewed a few students to study their opinions. “I’ve watched Die Hard a lot during the winter, or I just watch any Christmas movie with friends,” says junior Caleb Macpherson. Because there are so many great Christmas movies, opinions vary within WVHS.

“It’s gotta be Home Alone,” replies junior Adiel Gamez when given the prompt of what Christmas movie he liked best. Home Alone was a very popular choice among Wilsonville students, due to the nostalgia of growing up with the movie.  

The second most popular answer was the movie Elf. “I think Elf is the greatest Christmas movie ever made, it has comedy and heart,” says junior Ziggy Shoemaker. Elf was a popular movie for different reasons than Home Alone. The film was praised for the merits of great humor and the character of Elf played by Will Farrel. 

Even if you’re not a movie watcher, it’s difficult not to find something to enjoy during the eventful two weeks off. There are cherishable family reunions, giving and receiving gifts, and the feeling of staying inside during the cold weather.  

Nonetheless, the fact of spending your Christmas break with family or friends and watching holiday movies with hot cocoa is a good combination. No matter what movie you enjoy the most, even if it’s no movie, this time is a chance to have fun with the people you care about most.