Students excitedly start their new year’s resolutions

Lorianne Servignat

Junior Gavin O’Leary’s resolution was to read more. You can find him often now reading away in the library.

The new years resolution: a revered tradition at the start of each new year. Goals are set, worked for, and usually cast aside by the end of February. Wilsonville students have their own visions about how their resolutions will work out for them.

Many, if not most students at Wilsonville have set new year’s resolutions to follow. Whether they revolve around fitness, family, or mental stability; students seem to have one common goal in mind: to better themselves.

Senior Kate Giese says, “My new year’s resolution is to find the positive in every negative situation.” A resolution that will in turn make her more positive and bring more happiness to her life. This resolution will not only help Giese have a better outlook about life, but it will also bring positivity to those around her. She hopes that it will shed light on dark situations and make life a little easier.

Much like Giese, Daniel Bautista-Flores has a resolution that will improve life for those around him. He wants to spend more time with his family. He has set goals and plans to set aside time each day dedicated to his family.

Although, when asked if he always has a resolution for the new year, Bautista said, “Not really honestly, I can’t really choose what life chooses for me.” Some students are more thoughtful about their resolutions, while others let the waves of the world carry them to what they should do with their lives next.

But, a lot of students seem to set resolutions for themselves without a plan in mind about how they will achieve them. Giese adds, “ I don’t always follow it through.” This is due to a lack of goals to achieve the overall result. 

So, students at Wilsonville do feel confident about setting resolutions, but will they be forgotten by February or will they live til the new year?