School bathrooms vandalized by students of Wilsonville High School


Girls and Boys Bathroom locked because of vandalism from students.

​​As the school year came to a close, students at Wilsonville High School were excited about summer break. However, their excitement turned to disappointment when they returned in the fall of 2022 to find their school vandalized and trashed.

Several classrooms were covered in carpet stains, and the desks were drawn all over. The school’s athletic field was left littered with trash, and the weight room had been damaged with broken equipment and spray-painted walls. The bathrooms have been so violated that they became more of a smoking resort than a space to use the restroom. According to school officials, the vandalism was carried out by a group of students, most of whom were teenagers.

“It’s just completely disrespectful and unacceptable behavior,” said Principal Kelly Schmidt. “These students are not only damaging their own school but also affecting the learning environment for their peers. It’s so heart-damaging to see the environment that I work in being torn apart by students. “

The school has since launched an investigation and is working with local law enforcement to identify and discipline those responsible. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of treating one’s school with respect and appreciation. As members of a community, it is our responsibility to take care of our shared spaces and ensure they remain safe and welcoming for all.

There are many reasons why teenagers should treat their schools with respect. For one, a school is a place of learning and personal growth. It is a place where students go to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. By showing respect for their school, teenagers demonstrate a commitment to their own education and to the well-being of their community. They also create a positive and supportive environment for themselves and their peers, which can contribute to a more enjoyable and productive learning experience.

“Treating the school with respect is simply the right thing to do. It demonstrates a sense of responsibility and civic-mindedness, and it helps to create a positive and welcoming environment for everyone,” states Kelly Schmit. 

As the school year continues, Kelly Schmidt and her co-workers try their best to keep the school clean, but at the end of the day, it is up to the students at the school to take care of a place they should feel honored to attend.