Students fight to extend a semester class for a full year
The Latino Arts and Culture class celebrates Dia de los Tres Reyes.
It is well known that Latino Arts and Culture is a new class that was added this school year at WVHS. Originally it was supposed to be a full year course. Unfortunately there was a mistake made and the course was only a semester, not a full year like the original plan. The students in Latino Arts and Culture really enjoyed this class and were hoping to make it a full year, not just a half semester.
The students reached out to the principal Kelly Schmidt to see what could be done. They wanted to advocate for this class to continue for the Latinx community. This class is more than just a course they have to take, it’s somewhere they can feel comfortable expressing their culture and learning more about it. They sent emails to the principal to explain what they wanted to do. Unfortunately it was looking like there was no chance at all. Mrs. Escobar’s, the teacher of Latino Arts and Culture, schedule was full with other art classes. This made the students of the Latino arts and culture very concerned mainly because no one was told of this whole situation until they all started to look at their second semester classes. So what was going to happened next? They felt defeated for awhile.
They didn’t give up, they kept fighting for this class. They had many ideas on how they could save this class. If they had to take it to the district that’s what they had to do to save this class from being taken away from them. Most of the students in the class are seniors, since they really loved the class they really wanted this to happen. If they didn’t end up having it a full year, they were hoping in the school year 2023-2024 it will be a full year course for other students to enjoy. They ended up setting up a meeting with the principle Kelly Schmidt.
She agreed to meet the students during class. She came in and explained the situation that was going on. Then she informed them there was a way we could make the class a full year. That option was if Mrs. Villalobos would teach the class during the same time period. The students were so excited they could make it happen but at the same time sad. Mr.Escobar is one of the best teachers at Wilsonville High School. Mrs. Villalobos is not a stranger to the students , she has also been a great help to them and she loves showing a lot about the Latinx community just like Mrs. Escobar. Of course the students will not forget Mr.Escobar she is one of a kind. They want to say thank you to her and all the school staff and school district for allowing this class to be possible and to extend it.
The students are so glad they can make a big change at Wilsonville high school. This way they feel like they can be heard that all their voices/opinions matter. The class encourages other students to join. It’s also a great class to learn Spanish and learn more about the community as well as traditions. If you would like to read more about this class there is a article posted up. Please feel fret contact your councilor for more information about joining the class! You will not regret it.