Students use Quizlet to stay up on school
Sophia Day (senior) uses Quizlet to get the jump on her schoolwork. She is eagerly awaiting the chance to use her newfound knowledge!
Quizlet: the study tool sensation that is sweeping the nation! However; more specifically, students in Wilsonville High School use quizlet to help them achieve their academic goals and stay on top of a heavy workload. Students of all academic abilities find that quizlet is a helpful tool not just for studying, but for completion of smaller assignments and projects.
Even though Quizlet was mainly developed for a simpler style of studying, the app has developed into a tool that many students and even teachers use every day. Since the app is essentially a collaborative database, students from anywhere can post study sets for anyone who is taking the same courses.
Senior Keely Sanford says she uses Quizlet “for just about any assignment.” Sanford says “It’s good to use for review for tests, but it’s also useful in understanding general concepts of a class.” She goes on to say that Quizlet is an incredibly helpful study resource that she recommends every student at Wilsonville to utilize.
Freshman Erin Lauthner says she uses quizlet “Sometimes if my teacher makes me.” She thinks that while Quizlet helps her prepare for tests, it’s more useful on smaller assignments to learn from other points of view. Lauthner thinks that Quizlet is fun until teachers overuse it. “If the resource is available, students should be able to use it.” Erin recommends Quizlet to any student who needs extra help or review on their assignment.
Out of ten students asked, eight of the students said that they have used Quizlet to help them develop a better understanding of an academic concept and attain a better understanding of the assignment or the class in general. Additionally, Quizlet has features (such as Quizlet Live) that allow for teachers to interact with their classroom learning in a fun and competitive way!
Overall, Quizlet is an incredibly helpful tool that students can access for free to help them study and achieve many, if not all, of their academic goals, dreams, and wishes.