Which season has the best sports?
Wilsonville’s wrestling team prepare to face off against Putnam. Wrestling takes place in Winter and is one of Wilsonville’s more overlooked sports.
Sports are one of the most memorable aspects of high school and a yearly standard for many students. Each season doesn’t only represent a change in the environment, but also a new array of sports, related to the climate they reside in.
Naturally, athletes will gravitate toward the season that holds their respective sport, (Baseball players prefer spring, basketball players prefer winter, etc.) However to an unbiased fan, which season holds the best sports?
Although opinions vary from student to student on what season holds the best sport based on preferences, the majority favorite unsurprisingly ended up being fall. “As a spectator, I have the most fun watching fall sports,” says junior Clayton Troha.
It’s no wonder fall was such a popular answer with its mix of different fan-favorite sports. Of course, football will always be the most watched sport for students; the atmosphere at a home football game is unrivaled compared to other events. It also helps that Wilsonville is consistently competitive, vying for a state title within the 5A rankings.
On top of football, fall is also host to volleyball, soccer, and cross country. (Soccer and cross country have both girls and boys variants.) Volleyball is a considerably exciting fast paced and exciting student sport. Soccer can be electrifying, especially with the girls team winning back-to-back state championships.
Behind fall, the second most popular answer was spring. “I like spring because it has a bunch of different sports” states freshman Jackson Bonn-Savage. What spring lacks in powerhouse sports it makes up for with depth and variety. Spring contains baseball, softball, track and field, tennis, golf, and lacrosse. A solid roster of sports is sure to please any type of athlete or fan.
To no surprise winter has was polled as having the weakest sports as the harsh climate is limited to only indoor sports, (Basketball swimming, and wrestling). Basketball is a popular sport in Wilsonville, but swimming and wrestling include more niche audiences.
Although the sports carried with each season have varying numbers of supporters, each represents WVHS well. Each season has multiple sports with athletes excited to play, and spectators ready to watch every year