Students at WVHS try to lead sustainable lives
Large recycling bins at a university that claims to be a “green campus.” Recycling bins like these make it easier for lazy students to make the right decision.
Over the past few years, more and more young adults and teens have begun to take action against the ever-bearing climate crisis. An important piece everyone seems to talk about is being more sustainable. Sustainability is a hard task to achieve, but everyone has someplace they can start.
Starting simple is the easiest way to make a difference. Many students start by cutting back on single-use plastics. In fact, a common “basic” trend like tote bags or reusable straws can create a lasting impact.
Senior Sameera Yatham mentioned she likes to pack her lunch using containers and plastics that she can reuse. Yatham also tries her best to give a longer life to some single-use items: “I re-use things that might be disposable, I try to get a few more lives out of them.”
Senior Fallon Leishman also tries her best to make small steps in her daily life: “I limit my consumption of beef and red meat, recycle, and I try to carpool when I can.” Leishman added, “Individually making efforts to combat climate change makes you feel important and like you have a larger purpose.”
Carpooling is something so many teens quickly overthink. Students are frequently meeting up, and going to the same events. Riding with your friends is an easy action that can lead to lowering personal carbon footprints. Students who do carpool take turns driving or pay their friends for gas money.
Both Yatham and Leishman will be living on their own next year in college and they both plan on continuing to care about sustainability. Leishman stated that she won’t be driving as much while on campus, “I also plan on cooking more meals at home, which will also save me money.”
Yatham also added that sustainability can be more cost-friendly too. “It’s unrealistic for me to be buying things that can only be used once.” Sameera Yatham is going to try to find more multi-use items to incorporate into her life next year.
There are so many benefits to trying to be more sustainable. Every small step students take can lead to a larger change with a lasting impact.