Class of 2027 gets a glimpse of WVHS
The view as you enter Wilsonville High School. This is a sight many freshmen saw as they entered WVHS for the first time.
Incoming 9th grade Night is an extraordinary event that allows the incoming freshmen to dive into what high school will look like for them.
The freshmen class and their parents are invited to the high school for a night full of events. First, they sat in on a presentation from Assistant Principal, Mr. Davis. They were then invited to walk around the school and look for potential classes and tables of the numerous clubs or athletics.
Many clubs and teams use this night to recruit students and bring awareness to their programs. They create tables that use visual and food enticements to bring people to the tables and even get some sign-up signatures for the program.
“Our goal at this orientation was to get a lot of people interested in Girls Soccer. We want to build upon this incoming class to cover our seniors who are leaving.” said junior soccer player, Kenley Whittaker. “We had a big group of freshmen who came out for the preseason and tryouts last season which allowed us to form some solid teams so we are hoping for that turnout again,” added Whittaker.
“Our goal was to also fill a lot of spots on our Varsity and JV lines as we are losing a lot of seniors and also to spread more information about the wrestling program and hopefully convince more people to join,” said junior wrestler and soccer player, Jasmine Brown. “We had a lot more than we expected. The freshmen class is looking pretty promising, there is a wide variety of weights and genders” added Brown.
The class of 2027 will have a more in-depth tour of where their classes are, what the general layout is, and where you can do specific things. This tour will occur in the summer before they start their years at Wilsonville High School.
Tuesday, March 7th, was an interactive event to give the freshman a small glimpse of high school life.