Students share their suggestions to improve the school
Teddy Skyler, senior, ponders changes he wishes to see at WHS. He hopes to help in any way!
Students at WHS have recently requested changes that may need to be implemented in the high school environment. Whether it’s in relation to schedule or general improvement in a curriculum, these implications will likely improve the WHS environment, if addressed.
One anonymous student addressed their concern with the lack of attention brought to sudden schedule changes due to an event (snow, safety precautions, teacher work days) and its effect on the forthcoming days. They were left wondering “was Monday supposed to be a 1-6 day?”
One anonymous WHS student retaliated back to the importance of mental health, and advised teachers to “check in more with students”, and it may navigate staff into a logistical solution given a particular student’s inside struggles.
Grace Haak, a sophomore, mentioned the newly placed ten-minute passing periods on block days, and her desirable schedule consisting of fewer class minutes and increased breaks. She expressed, “the break is very helpful for [her]” and provides a temporary solution to her academic deprivation.
Venelle Imbi reminded the school to encourage amusement and fun-oriented activities to better support the importance of a pleasurable school environment. Aside from school work, she finds that in order to “encourage” students, incentive-like activities may be the solution.
One anonymous student claimed that “Reduc[ing] the school day by 30 minutes” and shortening the lunch period as well as passing periods, may keep the school in an efficient and orderly manner.
Although there have been strong efforts to incorporate an ASL class into school-provided clubs, Vencia Gonzalez, a junior, believes that the school “should have an ASL class”, rather than a club.
In conclusion, the willpower that students embody to improve Wilsonville high school, suggests that they are a crucial fragment of the overall outcome and desirable solution that Wilsonville high school strives to find and achieve.