Swinging into the season

The 2023 girls tennis team and a preview into their season

Greg Artman

Class of 2022 senior Rachel Westing plays in a 2022 match. She is serving the ball into play.

With winter sports coming to a close, and athletes making the switch, spring sports are warming up for an ambitious season. Girls tennis is one of the multiple sports that occur during spring athletics. With preseason open courts beginning in early February, eventually becoming actual practices, their official season has now begun. 

After losing eight amazing seniors, the Wilsonville girls tennis team is looking to re-strengthen the program. There are multiple varsity returners that came back to the team this year, and lots of new spots to fill. Following a very successful week of tryouts the 2023 roster has been set for our varsity and junior varsity teams. 

The girls tennis team is full of talented players, from all different grades. There are also new players, who are just starting the sport, and lots of of returners who have played for numerous years before. Senior Liza Locke who has played for the program since her sophomore year, feels confident and ready for her senior season. “I am super excited to have a fun season and to become closer with the other girls on the team!” Locke said. Sophomore Julia Tatsumi, who is starting her second season on the team, shares that, “I am so excited to play with friends who make me laugh and get better! Let’s get to state!” 

As well as having a new team, the program has been able to welcome in a new coaching staff. Theresa Gonzales, a former junior varsity coach has returned to Wilsonville to fill the spot as head coach. Along with Theresa, Rhonda Atwood and Beth Wirtz has stepped in and came ready to help. The program is so grateful to have our wonderful coaches.

The girls team has a full season ahead of them with lots of matches to look forward to. All of the girls are prepared to have an excellent season and make memories as a team.  Liza Locke shared, “It feels weird knowing that this is my last season here so I definitely want to make this one memorable.”