The Boys Lacrosse Season So Far
The boys lacrosse team has three wins and two losses so far. What does this mean for the season ahead
Wildcat goalie playing in the 2022 lacrosse playoffs. Wilsonville should be able to make it again in 2013
Wilsonville’s boy’s lacrosse is one of the staples of our spring sports. It has been a part of Wilsonville that both students and athletes should be proud of. With the season starting off with three wins and two losses, what does this mean for the season ahead?
The first three games of the season were a tremendous success, achieving wins with massive point deferential. In our first game against Hilsburro Wilsonville scored a whopping 17 to 0. In the other games, Wilsonville won the point margins was not nearly as high as the Hilsburo game but they were still large nonetheless.
Unfortunately, the last two games against Beaverton and Mountainside have resulted in losses for the boy’s varsity team. The Beaverton game that took place on Tuesday the 21st was a one-point loss for Wilsonville with an ending score of 6 to 7. Meanwhile, the Mountainside game that took place on Thursday two days later ended with a 3 to 8 score, with Mountainside taking the win.
It is hard to tell what this means for the team’s success in the future from the opening games but as the season goes on we will be able to evaluate our team’s success more realistically. To get an inside scoop on what the team is really like, we Interviewed both Jack and Noah Lubisich on a few things regarding the team and season. When interviewing Jack Lubitsch we asked him who some of the key players are, he responded, “Our key players are Eli Nelson (Attack), Gavin Waddle (Attack), Brennan Martain (defense), Tyler Rayburn (Long Stick midfielder), and Nathen Kim (goalie)” We also got to interview Noah Lubisich asking about the future for the Wildcats this season, he stated,”I think we will be able to end the season going to the playoffs but we will see.”
There seems like there is a great team atmosphere from all of the interviews and our confidence is still strong. We cannot wait for the next games to take place after the break