Club spotlight: Chess club

A deeper look into the friendly competition of chess club

Venelle Imbi, a follower of chess, battles her opponent, Xavier Nelson. The photo visualizes the silent intensity of a match.

Every Monday during the lunch period, Wilsonville High School’s chess club meets in Mr. Fitzgerald’s classroom, for a casually competitive chess gathering. Students’ first impressions of the mentally taxing game may make them wonder if their lack of familiarity with the concept will discourage them; however, the chess club has curated a wonderfully friendly environment for anyone to partake in!

Cooper Nelson, a sophomore, is a consistent participant of the chess club, and he not only interacts with passionate chess players, but also his peers who come for socialization. He appreciates the level of calmness that creates a well-rounded atmosphere, and added that “it’s pretty chill, you can eat food, and you can play chess.”

However, Nelson added that competition will arise when adversaries battle. Although there is a clear distinction of relaxation during the club, he warns newcomers that “it can get very competitive,” especially amongst him and his friends.

Persia Bowman, a sophomore who regularly attends chess club, endures the regular club routine. She states that most time is spent on playing “in pairs,” and working “on strategies.” Bowman also shared that the club does “tournaments from time to time.”

Bowman values the community she has been adopted into, and describes that the people of the club demonstrate a “family like atmosphere and the mutual love for the chess giants.” She attends the club not only for the skill she acquires, but also the relationships.

Aysha Marin, a sophomore as well, raved about the well-acclaimed club and said that the “presidents are amazing,” and she “recommend[s] it to everyone,” given its pleasant environment. Marin values the community more than anything.

The WVHS chess club has proved time and again that the nature of their community naturally gravitates towards students who hope to pursue a welcoming, and friendly competition oriented community.