You are an instrumentalist
Mr. Davies, a shining and cunning leader, is conducting Wilsonville’s chamber orchestra. It is his umpteenth time performing in a concert at Wilsonville High School.
When you hear the word orchestra, a vivid image may appear in your head of stringed instruments, a brightly lit stage, dozens of musicians, and a formally dressed man with his back turned to the audience waving a stick in the air. This is a group of adept stringed instrument practitioners known as the orchestra.
A practice formed almost four-hundred years ago and still widely popular today, orchestras are widely known for playing symphonies, opera and ballet overtures, and some type of musical theater.
“It’s my first year in an orchestra but I have been playing the violin since 4th grade,” says Arush Goswami, who’s been a part of the Wilsonville orchestra for a little over a semester.
When Goswami takes out his violin, it requires diligence and the focus of his fingers. Every stride he takes with his bow produces a unique sound. The grade of the sound, according to Goswami, depends on where your fingers are placed and how you move your arm.
It’s as enjoyable learning to play an instrument as hearing the notes that come out. With a trained musician, stringed music is fluid and easy to appreciate. You are likely familiar with the sounds of a noteworthy amount of stringed instruments such as the violin, cello, or double bass played in various movies and popular musical theaters.
“I chose to do orchestra because I wanted to expand on my music skills and work with other people,” commented Goswami in response to why he chose orchestra in his schedule. If you’re feeling stressed like most current high schoolers, some students listen to the sweet essence of music to relieve some of the burdening pressure. Sometimes all it takes is to be in the presence and experience of an orchestra.
“I feel that orchestra is a really inspiring place because no single person can lead the orchestra as it just doesn’t sound right with one part. In order to get everything working you need everyone to be in sync and locked in with the others,” Much responsibility goes into the orchestra as the benefits that come out of it. But ultimately, being a part of an orchestra gives one the opportunity to better understand music and be moved by it.